Everyone is trying to avoid biasing however they depend on their own -biased- self, sometimes it happens if the recruiter develops feelings towards the candidates as a natural human behavior researchers confirm that this reflects on our interview techniques. For example, if you develop positive feelings towards the candidate the interview will be shifted to finding evidence to hire the candidate which the psychologist name as “confirmation biasing”. This puts the entire organization in threat because hiring the best people happens per our moods!
A competency-based interview is the solution!
Also known as a structured interview, this is the best way of conducting the interview with candidates. Set of questions in the same order for all the candidates testing specific competencies or skills. The chart below explains the different methods of evaluating candidates and as you can see structured interviews is the best way after the work sample test to evaluate candidates applying for a position.

How Velents trying to replicate Google structured interviews?
In their blog, Google explained that they have four main components to adopt the structured interview in their organization
- “Using vetted, High-quality questions, that are relevant to the role”

In Velents we suggest to the recruiters the competencies needed for each role, We differentiate between the core competencies that are needed for each position and the other competencies too. also, the AI assistant suggests the questions relevant to the competence, the company size, and the role.
- “Recording comprehensive feedback of candidates so the evaluators can easily review the questions”
Our on-demand interview module records candidates’ answers to the questions, allowing recruiters, hiring managers, and evaluators to have a fair judgment on all candidates without any sort of bias.
- “Scoring with standardized rubrics so that all reviewers have a shared understanding of what a good, mediocre, and poor response looks like

Velents provides ratings of everyone and getting an overall rating on each candidate answer gives candidates a fair evaluation of every member in the stakeholder of the hiring process. What happens during the initial interview and the live interview too.
- “Providing interviewer training and calibration so that interviewers are confident and consistent in their assessments”

This is something that we do encourage organizations to do, however, Velents spreads the concept by utilizing machine learning assistance to every organization that uses Velents to replicate the structured interview process, we don’t only suggest questions but also we suggest the competencies, job description for each industry, company size… etc by connecting to the largest database of occupations and competencies.
This approach is not only used by Google, this is just an example to learn as they have mentioned specifically on their blog.
This method as you can see from the chart should adapt the structured interview as a scientific approach to avoid losing money due to misfit hiring. Always make sure to hire the right people in the right positions. Let Velents assist you in structuring your interview at no cost, create a profile now or contact us at info@velents.com