Career Progression

Last update : July 12, 2023

What Is Career Progression?


Career progression is the upward or downward movement of employees within an organization.

Career progression is the movement employees go through when moving between jobs or companies.

Career progression is the movement of employees upward within an organization when progressing from an entry-level position to a management position, or moving downward when moving from a management position to an entry-level position.

The term ‘career progression’ often is used to mean ‘career mobility’, which is the movement of employees downward within the organization.

Career mobility is a common issue in today’s job market. Companies often lose employees to other companies.

A career is an structured and systematic career path, typically involving upward movement.

Career paths are created using a variety of methods, including:

1) by assigning employees to different teams based on a natural progression of skills, expertise, and experience,

2) by assigning employees to different positions and levels of responsibility based on their demonstrated ability and willingness to perform to expectations.

Why are career progression necessary? 

In order to be successful in today’s competitive workforce, it is important to continuously develop your skills and advance your career. By pursuing career progression, you can keep your skills current, improve your job prospects, and earn more money.

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