

Solicitor Job Description A solicitor is a lawyer who represents clients in legal matters. Solicitors are often hired in place of lawyers, and provide the same services. Solicitors are also known as lawyers, and are referred to as attorneys in formal contexts. Solicitors handle many legal matters, such as drafting legal documents, and advising clients….

School Resource Officer

School Resource Officer

School Resource Officer Job Description A School Resource Officer (SRO) is a law enforcement officer that is hired by a school district or charter school to provide security for students and staff. A school resource officer is employed for a minimum of three hours per day, five days per week, and is not paid overtime….

Real Estate Lawyer

Real Estate Lawyer

Real Estate Lawyer Job Description Real estate lawyers (real estate attorneys) are licensed to practice legal real estate transactions. A real estate lawyer helps buyers and sellers negotiate and structure real estate contracts. Real estate lawyers also help protect the interests of their clients in property disputes, such as divorce and foreclosure. Real estate lawyers…

Public Defender

Public Defender

Public Defender Job Description A public defender is a lawyer appointed by a court to defend a person accused of a crime. The attorney’s role is carried out by researching the case and preparing the defense. Public defenders often work in private practice, and in some jurisdictions, work for the government. In criminal cases, a…

Public Safety Officer

Public Safety Officer

Public Safety Officer Job Description A Public Safety Officer is a type of police officer that is typically the first point of contact between citizens and law enforcement officials. They may be referred to as police officers or peace officers. Public Safety Officers are responsible for keeping the peace, enforcing laws, and upholding justice. They…



Prosecutor Job Description A prosecutor is a government official who is in charge of criminal law and who is appointed by a court of law. A prosecutor, also called a district attorney, is responsible for investigating and prosecuting all crimes, both minor and serious, within the district in which they are based. When a case…

Probation Officer

Probation Officer

Probation Officer Job Description A probation officer is someone who offers guidance to a new probationer (or a convicted offender) who is on a probation or parole. Probation officers are employed by courts and probation or parole departments. They work closely with individuals to help them build better lives through counseling, education, and job training….

Private Investigator

Private Investigator

Private Investigator Job Description A private investigator is a person engaged in investigating or researching an individual, organization, or company, or affairs, cases, or issues, sometimes covertly, while abiding by the law. A private investigator may gather evidence, obtain records, perform surveillance, or perform other investigations. Job Brief: We’re looking for a Private Investigator to…

Police Officer

Police Officer

Police Officer Job Description A Police Officer is a person assigned to uphold the laws or enforce traffic rules. Other common titles (by state) include: Patrolman (Arizona, Arkansas, Arkansas, California, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia) Officer (Idaho, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Washington, and…

Patrol Officer

Patrol Officer

Patrol Officer Job Description A patrol officer is a police officer that is hired or assigned to perform typical patrol duties, such as patrolling streets, stopping traffic violations, reading license plates, or writing criminal citations. Patrol officers may also perform other police duties, such as processing crime scenes, interviewing witnesses, conducting surveillance, or responding to…