It’s all about putting your best foot forward, showing up on time, looking presentable, and making a favorable impression on the hiring staff.  Virtual career fairs are a fantastic way for employers to find top candidates without sacrificing quality, cost, or hiring goals. 

When it comes to engaging with potential employers, being proactive and taking initiative is key. With a little preparation, you can make the most of your virtual career fair experience and put your best foot forward – no matter where you are.

What is a virtual hiring event?

A virtual hiring event is a career fair that is conducted online. Job seekers can connect with employers, submit their resumes, and even interview all from the comfort of their own homes. Virtual hiring events are becoming increasingly popular as they offer a convenient way for job seekers to connect with employers without having to travel.  

Benefits of virtual career fairs

There are many benefits of virtual career fairs for both employers and job seekers. 

  • Improved recruitment efficiency
    A company may use the cloud-based virtual platform to manage a variety of recruiting and HR services, including employee engagement and development, social media and career networking, talent acquisition, onboarding, performance management, and succession planning. applicant tracking tools can also be added to help organizations get rid of laborious candidate shortlisting procedures such as sifting through mounds of resumes.
  • Reduced cost and time commitment
    Since virtual career fairs are conducted online, there is no need to incur travel costs or spend time traveling to and from the event. This makes it more affordable and convenient for both employers and job seekers.
  • Increased reach
    With a virtual career fair, employers can connect with job seekers from all over the world. This increased reach can help employers find the best candidates for their open positions.
  • Better candidate experience 
    Virtual career fairs provide a more convenient and flexible way for job seekers to connect with employers. This can help improve the overall candidate experience and make it more likely that job seekers will apply to open positions.
  • Greater flexibility 
    Virtual career fairs offer greater flexibility for both employers and job seekers. Employers can choose to host their event at any time and job seekers can attend the event from anywhere in the world. This increased flexibility can help make it easier for both employers and job seekers to participate in the event.
  • Measurable results
    Real-time data can be used to identify preferred employers, job types, unique and recurring visitors, webinar views, and other metrics in order to help improve event quality. Hosts may keep track of and assess how warmly their job applicants have embraced the virtual shift to future recruitment efforts at all times.

How to host a virtual hiring event

Now that you know what a virtual hiring event is and the benefits of hosting one, you may be wondering how to get started. Here are a few tips to help you host a successful virtual hiring event:

1. Plan your event in advance
Give yourself enough time to plan and promote your event. This will help ensure that your event is successful and that you are able to connect with the right employers and job seekers.

2. Choose the right platform
There are a variety of platforms that you can use to host your virtual event. Make sure to choose a platform that is easy to use and that offers the features that you need.

3. Promote your event
Make sure to promote your event in the right places. You can promote your event on job boards, social media, and other websites. You can also send out email invitations to potential employers and job seekers.

4. Set up your event
Once you have chosen a platform and promoted your event, it’s time to set up your event. Make sure to create a schedule of events and to provide information about the employers that will be attending.

5. Host your event
Make sure to monitor your event throughout the day. You can use chat features to answer questions and to help job seekers connect with employers. You can also use the platform’s reporting features to track the success of your event.

6. Follow up after your event
Make sure to follow up with employers and job seekers after your event. You can use the platform’s messaging features to stay in touch with employers and job seekers. You can also use the platform’s reporting features to track the success of your event.

How a typical hiring process go

Career platforms may use their software, marketing, and prescreening services to provide recruiters from a business with a variety of qualified prospects for their specific openings at client virtual fairs. At registration, attendees submit their resume and contact information, and after joining a lobby and being presented with choices, they can engage in one-on-one talks with recruiters, attend group presentations, or download information about the employer. 

The goal of a career fair is to identify talented individuals who may be interested in working for your company and to start building relationships with those individuals. You should treat virtual career fairs the same way you would treat an in-person career fair. The main difference is that you will be interacting with job seekers online instead of in person.

At these events, career platforms employ sophisticated technology to replicate a ballroom with Zoom “rooms” and chat boxes for each business. Employers may utilize interactive panels and discussions to share more information about the open job opportunities they’re looking for, as well as their company culture and values. Attendees may schedule their day ahead of time or visit numerous rooms throughout the event. 

Some platforms also offer virtual reality capabilities that can provide an immersive experience for both employers and job seekers. This technology can be used to give job seekers a realistic tour of the employer’s office or workplace. Employers can use virtual reality to transport job seekers to their company’s location, no matter where in the world it may be. 

Virtual hiring events are a great way to connect with talented job seekers from all over the world. Use live interviews to create the perfect virtual hiring opportunity for your candidates.

Virtual hiring event tips

  • Do your research
    According to Cruz Vergara, one of the most frequent pieces of advice given by recruiters and career services that conduct virtual job fairs is to conduct research. To help you prepare smart questions for recruiters, Cruz Vergara suggests cross-referencing your study with company reviews on platforms like Handshake. “Think about questions that will help you understand what it’s like to work day-to-day at the company, what the culture is like, and what the people are like. You want to go into these conversations really knowing as much as you can so you can be an informed candidate and make the best impression possible,” she says.

  • Dress the part
    Make sure you’re dressed for success! Since first impressions are still important in a virtual world, you want to make sure you look professional. “You should dress as if you’re going into an interview because that is what this is, it’s your first impression with the employer,” says Cruz Vergara.

  • Be prepared
    Treat a virtual career fair like an in-person one and be prepared to sell yourself. This means having an updated resume, knowing what you want to say about your experience and skills, and practicing your elevator pitch. “You should also be familiar with the companies that you’re interested in and have questions ready to ask them. This will show that you’re truly interested in the opportunity and what they have to offer,” says Cruz Vergara.

  • Follow up
    Just like with an in-person career fair, you should follow up with the recruiters you spoke to after the event. Send a personalized email or connect with them on LinkedIn. “This is your chance to stand out from the other candidates. You want to thank them for their time, reiterate your interest in the company and the position, and include anything else that you didn’t have a chance to mention during the fair,” says Cruz Vergara.

How to be prepared for a virtual hiring crisis 

It’s critical to be adaptable to job seekers’ requirements and capabilities. Not everyone has excellent internet, the capacity to submit an application using a computer, or a variety of other requirements for virtual interviews.

Have a phone conversation if that’s what the applicant wants. Phone conversations are especially useful for interviews early in the process. It may be revisited at a later date if a face-to-face or video interview is required for the position.

Ensure that everyone on your team is aware of what’s going on. There may be a lot of confusion if some members think you’re still interviewing in person while others are conducting virtual interviews.

It’s important to have a clear plan in place so that everyone is on the same page. If there are multiple people involved in the interview process, make sure they know what technology will be used and what the expectations are.

Practice with the technology you’ll be using. This is especially important if you’re not familiar with the interviewing software or platform you’ll be using. 

You don’t want to waste time during the interview trying to figure out how to use the audio or video features. Do a test run with a friend or co-worker to make sure you know how everything works.

Be aware of the time zone difference. This is especially important if you’re interviewing someone who lives in a different time zone. 

You don’t want to accidentally schedule an interview for 2:00 pm your time when it’s really 5:00 pm for the other person.

Be flexible with your schedule. You may need to be available at odd hours or on weekends in order to accommodate someone in a different time zone.

Have a backup plan. There’s always the possibility that something will go wrong with the technology you’re using for the virtual interview. 

It’s important to have a backup plan in place so that you’re not left scrambling if something does happen.

Be prepared to answer questions about the company. Many job seekers will use the virtual interview as an opportunity to learn more about the company. 

Be prepared to answer questions about what it’s like to work there, what the culture is like, and what the career development opportunities are.

Be aware of potential distractions. It’s important to be aware of potential distractions that could occur during a virtual interview. 

For example, if you’re working from home, there’s always the possibility that your kids or pets will make noise in the background. 

It’s also important to make sure that you won’t be interrupted by phone calls or other distractions.

Make sure your internet connection is strong. It’s important to make sure that your internet connection is strong enough to support a video interview. 

Test your audio and video setup in advance. It’s important to test your audio and video setup in advance to make sure everything is working properly. 

You don’t want to have to troubleshoot technical problems during the interview.

Be aware of your body language. It’s important to be aware of your body language during a virtual interview, just as you would be during an in-person interview. 

For example, make sure you’re not crossing your arms or slouching in your chair.

If you are prepared enough for different types of scenarios or issues it will certainly be a less intimidating event for both recruiters and candidates. 

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