Technology modifies all rules over time and the latest technology to enter the job market is video interviews. As the world of freelancing gets wider, there are more opportunities for organizations and talents to work together over a thousand km distance. And for that to happen; video interviews existed.

Yet, to some employers and employees it’s a less appealing form to conduct such an important event like interviews, let’s see why they might be mistaken and what to do exactly on a video interview.

What is Video Interviewing?

A video interview is an interview that takes place between two people who are not in the same physical location. The interviewee answers questions from the interviewer via a video connection, such as Skype, FaceTime, or Google Hangouts. Video interviews are becoming increasingly common as more and more companies embrace remote work.

There are several advantages to conducting a video interview:

  • Shorter Time to Hire
    It significantly reduces the time it takes to hire a new employee. Rather than having to wait for the candidate to come to your office for an in-person interview, you can simply interview them remotely. This can be especially useful for companies that are looking to fill positions quickly.
  • Reduced Costs
    Saves your company money. With an in-person interview, you generally have to pay for the candidate’s travel expenses. But with a video interview, the only costs are the ones associated with setting up the video call itself.
  • Greater Flexibility
    Video interviews also offer greater flexibility for both the employer and the candidate. For employers, it’s easier to conduct a video interview at a time that works for their schedule. And for candidates, interview from the comfort of their own homes.
  • Improved Access to Candidates
    Another advantage of video interviews is that they provide employers with improved access to candidates. With an in-person interview, you’re limited to candidates who live near your office. But with a video interview, you can interview candidates from anywhere in the world.

Overall, video interviews are a great way to get to know a potential candidate without having to meet in person. They are convenient, cost-effective, and can be done from anywhere in the world.

Types of Video Interviewing

There are two types of video interviewing: on-demand and pre-recorded.

On-demand video interviewing is conducted in real-time, similar to a traditional phone or in-person interview. The employer and the candidate are both available at the same time to ask and answer questions. This type of video interviewing is often used for initial screening interviews.

Pre-recorded video interviewing is when the interviewee records their answers to questions in advance. The interviewer can then watch the recording at their convenience. This type of interview is often used for more in-depth interviews, or for situations where the interviewer and interviewee are in different time zones.

Both types of video interviewing have advantages and disadvantages. We will go over them in detail.

Difference between Live Video & Pre-Recorded Interviews

A live video interview is a job interview that happens through live video calls. Pre-recorded video interviews are recorded interviews in which recruiters produce and record questions for the candidate.

The candidate then responds to the questions with a video recording.

Here are some key differences between live video interviews and pre-recorded interviews:

Live Video Interviews:

  • Pros: You can get a sense of the candidate’s personality and communication style. You can also gauge their reaction time to questions.
  • Pros: Video interviews can be recorded, so they can be watched.

  • Cons: Time zones can be a challenge. You also need to have the technology set up and working properly before the interview.
  • Cons: The candidate might not be able to express themselves as well as they would in a regular interview, and you can’t see their body language.

Key elements: A live video interview is best for getting a sense of the candidate’s personality. Make sure you account for time zone differences and test your technology before the interview.

Pre-Recorded Interviews:

  • Pros: First and foremost, you can watch the interview at your convenience. This can be especially helpful if you’re not available for an in-person interview.
  • Pros: You can pause, rewind, and fast-forward the video as needed. It can be helpful if you need to review a specific answer or want to hear something again.
  • Pros: They can be edited, which can help create a more polished final product.

  • Cons: You can’t ask questions or get clarification on answers in a pre-recorded interview.
  • Cons: The candidate may have rehearsed their answers. You also can’t gauge their reaction time to questions.
  • Cons: Some interviewees may feel more comfortable meeting in person.

Key elements: A pre-recorded video interview is best for getting a sense of the candidate’s thought process. Make sure you have questions that will elicit thoughtful responses.

What’s Driving Adoption of Video Interviewing?

The ubiquity of smartphones and the increasing bandwidth of mobile networks have made it possible for employers to connect with job candidates anywhere, anytime. Video interviewing is an efficient way to screen candidates, since you can conduct many interviews in a short period of time without the need to travel.

In Velents we encourage our partners to adopt on-demand interviews specially for those two reasons:

1. Changing the Role of Recruiters

Recruiters can now screen more candidates quickly. This way, they can focus on the most qualified candidates. This saves time and money. Additionally, video interviews give recruiters a more personal connection to the candidates, helping them to better assess fit.

2. Changing the Candidate Experience

Video interviews provide a more personal connection between candidates and recruiters, allowing them to better evaluate fit. Video interviews may also help job seekers feel more involved in the recruiting process. Employers might be able to attract excellent employees and enhance the candidate experience by making the recruitment process more exciting.

Best practices for video interviews

To get used to the technology and the body language of a video interview, it’s useful to do some practice video calls with friends or family members. You can ask them to critique your performance and give you feedback on what worked well and what could be improved. You can also experiment with different camera angles and settings to find what works best for you.

Here are some general tips for nailing your video interview:

1. Be transparent with candidates
One of the benefits of video interviews is that they allow for a more personal connection with candidates. Make sure you are clear about what the process will entail, from start to finish. This will help set expectations and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

2. Put the candidate’s experience first
Video interviews can be a great way to connect with job candidates, but it’s important to put their experience first. Make sure you have clear instructions for how to participate in the interview and what to expect. You should also be prepared to answer any questions the candidate may have.

3. Use different formats for different purposes
Video interviews can come in many different formats, from one-way video interviews to live video interviews. Choose the format that will best suit your needs. For example, if you’re looking for a quick overview of a candidate’s skills, a one-way video interview might be a good option. If you want to get to know a candidate better, a live video interview might be a better choice.

4. Structure your video interviews well
This will ensure that you get the most out of the time you have with the candidate. Make sure you have a clear plan for what you want to accomplish in the interview and what questions you want to ask.

5. Use interview scorecards.
It will help you track the candidates’ progress and assess their fit for the role. Make sure you have a scorecard ready before the interview begins, and be prepared to score the candidate on key factors such as skills, experience, and cultural fit

Best video interview platform

Video interviewing is an efficient way to screen candidates, but what’s the best video interview platform? Here are some factors to consider when choosing a video interview platform:

1. Ease of use: The platform should be easy to use for both recruiters and candidates. It should be intuitive and user-friendly.

2. Flexibility: The platform should be flexible enough to accommodate different types of interviews, such as one-way or live video interviews.

3. Price: The platform should be affordable and offer a price that fits your budget.

4. Customer support: The platform should have excellent customer support in case you need help using the software or troubleshooting any issues.

5. Scalability: The platform should be scalable so that it can grow with your business.

6. Security: The platform should be secure to protect the privacy of both candidates and recruiters.

7. Integration: The platform should integrate with your existing HR systems, such as your applicant tracking system (ATS).

8. Reporting: The platform should offer comprehensive reports so that you can track the progress of your video interviews.

If you look closely into each point of the above, you will understand why each of them is a vital aspect to look for in a candidate. Now, if you look closer you will see that Velents is the smartest AI recruiter you can hire.

Velents doesn’t only help through video interviews, but also the entire hiring journey from the beginning. There are many services to offer your company such is:

  • Code Assessment
  • Evaluation & Assessments
  • Conversational Recruitment
  • On-Demand Interviews
  • Sourcing Assistant
  • Live Interviews
  • Interview Builder

Learn more about each product’s benefits and importance by visiting us.

Future of Video Interviewing

The future of video interviewing is looking bright. With the advent of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), video interviews are only going to become more popular.

AI can be used to automate the interview process by identifying top candidates and scheduling interviews with them. This will make the process more efficient and save time for both recruiters and candidates.

Another trend that is likely to continue is the use of live video interviews. This type of interview allows candidates to meet with recruiters in real-time, which can help build rapport and trust.

As video interviewing becomes more commonplace, employers will need to ensure that they are using the best platform for their needs. They will also need to make sure that their interviews are well-structured and that they are using interview scorecards to assess candidates.

In addition, video interviews are more accessible with the rise of mobile devices. Candidates can now interview from anywhere at any time. This is especially beneficial for those who live in remote areas or have busy schedules.

Finally, video interviewing is becoming more personalized. With the help of AI, recruiters can customize the interview experience for each candidate. This will allow them to get to know the candidate on a more personal level and better assess their fit for the role.

What is the best way to prepare for a video interview?

Choose the right platform: As mentioned above, make sure to choose one that is easy to use and offers the features you need.

Discover why this interview builder is the best for your business.

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